John Chatterton Horse Training
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John Chatterton makes no representation, claim, endorsement or warranty, expressed, statutory or implied, of the products, services or information provided in this web site or on printed material and to the effect(s) of such use(s) of information and products, including damages, loss, death or injury, or the results obtained.

John Chatterton expressly disclaims responsibility as to the ordinary or otherwise use(s). Furthermore, nothing contained herein should be considered as a recommendation by John Chatterton as to the fitness for any use. John Chatterton shall not be liable for any consequential loss, injury, death or damages caused by the use of these products or services provided.

John Chatterton shall not be responsible for any damages, loss, injury or death resulting from use of or reliance upon these products.


John Chatterton does not share your personal information with any third parties, other than for shipping purposes.


If any horse you are handling or training following John Chatterton's training methods, whether you are the owner or not, falls ill or is injured, you must contact a veterinarian. John Chatterton is not a vet and will not diagnose or prescribe.

Any advice given by John Chatterton is given in good faith and it is up to you to apply your own judgement and common sense and do your own research.

John Chatterton waives all responsibilities and liabilities and you agree to this by using this website, his services and products.

John Chatterton will not share your personal information or discuss your matter with any 3rd party unless:

  • As required by law
  • If and to the extent authorised by yourself
  • As required for my professional supervision
John Chatterton ©
Website by
Annie Minton
John Chatterton