John Chatterton Horse Training
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Janet Wells

Absolutely fantastic clinic John.... such a simple, honest & reliable system. I just loved watching you transform those terrified, unhandled, mob of horses into such calm and trusting creatures. All through bonding with them, not trying to dominate them, love it. It clearly works wonders, can’t wait to put your system into action! Driving 9hrs to see your clinic was totally worth it . Thanks for a great weekend John

Lisa Slade

I'd like to let you know that our grey mare - Gondwana - the star of the show at the last clinic for all the wrong reasons - is coming along nicely.She's a different horse on the ground. We've used John's steps and it is so rewarding to see her more trusting and relaxed with us. We're still hoping to get John to help Emily out with long reining her - the next step before Emily rides her again.Over the past two years Gondwana has had a number of trainers but this is the first time we've had such a positive outcome - and the best thing is we've been able to do it ourselves.

Peter Adams

We've been training with John for quite a few years now. His quiet approach really fits with our belief that horse handling should be a gentle partnership.Following a serious accident in a float where I ended up injured, John has been able to not only help my young horse load confidently again, but also get rid of the almost debilitating fear of floating horses that developed in myself. I am now back teaching even the most difficult of our horses to load with confidence using John's methods. We recommend his book and clinics for owners of all levels. The steps are so easy to follow and can be put to use every day.

Mell Quick

I attended one of John's clinics in Queensland a month ago and was stunned at the effectiveness of his technique.I am not easily impressed and I have found great pleasure applying the technique to any difficult horses my clients have and they have rapidly and happily done whatever we have been requesting of them. John also has very clear explanations for all of the behavioural difficulties we can struggle with our horses.John uses an affiliative horsemanship technique which basically results in the horse feeling you are his saviour and best friend.


I loved seeing your method in action at Equitana and immediately purchased 2 DVD's. I have watched both DVD's and have been spending time on my young fellow working on the standing still principles. I had to do the pull and release many times, but all the time my horse was calm and I am happy to be using a system that suits me. I don't have the physical strength to manhandle a horse and I want my kids to be safe around him. I want to have a safe, calm horse and a safe, calm method of training.


I just wanted to let you know that I did a quick 10 minutes with Tuscany today & it went great!!! She walked straight up to me and I remembered to make it super special for her. I did the 2 handed neck rub you showed me and gave her a good scratch on the wither. I put the halter on without fuss. She started to walk away so I let her and then did the pull & release. She stood great for the rest of the time. I was so excited I just had to let you know! Thank you so much for all your help over the weekend, it was great!

Sharyn Carswell

I saw you at Equitana and decided to give your DVD a go. The more techniques one views the better as we can all get gems from many sources.Your DVD is fabulous! You spend a large amount of time showing the viewer your technique with untrained horses. Other videos I have, only show the end result and not all the steps required to get the horse to the trained level nor do they start on a green/problem horse.


Thank you again for such a wonderful clinic. I have been to a couple of clinics with other trainers/teachers and have not really come away with anything that I would feel confident in putting into practice, or even sure that was the method that I wanted to use, but your clinic has been a wonderful and refreshing change. I feel confident and really want to put in place your 10 steps. I only wish that you were Melbourne based !!!

Suzanne Hall

The best thing that you will ever do for your horse is to introduce him to John Chatterton - it will change his life forever and will have a profound effect on you also, as his owner and friend. I describe John as a "horse and owner lifestyle coach" and there is no one else quite like him.He's a wonderful and unique man with an absolute gift and that's all the proof that any owner needs. I promise you that you and your horse's lives will change forever.

Kerrie Coffey

John is a great communicator. He explains what he is doing with the horse while demonstrating his steps throughout the clinic in an easy to understand way.He also pinpoints what may have happened to the horse in the past to make the it react in a certain way. This is an amazing skill.He is a true horseman and a gentleman. John is true to his word in that he has taught us all "Bonding rather than domination".

John Chatterton ©
Website by
Annie Minton
John Chatterton